Vertikal is een offshore software bedrijf in Centraal Amerika die de software van bedrijven in Nederland en Europa verzorgt.

Een hoog opgeleid team vol motivatie!

We beschikken over een hoog opgeleid team in zowel Nederland, California en El Salvador.

We bieden software oplossingen aan om bedrijven sterker te maken.

We hebben met meer dan 500 bedrijven over de wereld gewerkt.

Better and different opportunities with our services

With each of the services Vertikal has, it offers companies different opportunities:

  • Attract more potential customers using personalized marketing strategies
  • Get to know your customers better through statistical information
  • Offer more than your competition. Provide an excellent shopping experience for your customers.
  • Make life easier for your clients. Generate added value and achieve more lasting relationships with personalized service.
  • Respond to the needs of your customers through direct sales channels.

Our Mission and Vision.

Our Mission

Help companies achieve their business objectives through marketing, communication and digital advertising services.

Our Vision

Empower companies with a strategic focus on achieving their objectives and building long-term relationships. Considering ourselves not only a digital advertising agency, but an essential part of the project.

Who Are we?

Create, design, innovate, develop and execute are our pillars. We are professionals that don’t believe in limits. We understand that the beginning is the most difficult part of a project, and our specialty and responsibility is to make it real.

  • Honesty

  • Reliability

  • Responsibility

  • Creativity

  • Innovation

  • Originality

  • Attention